4-7 主要年份市属固定资产投资

单位:万元                 (10 000 yuan)
              Item 1985 1990 1995 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004
一、投资总额             Total Investment 38896 80958 432451 1263023 1539717 1848833 2978747 4355271
       1.按经济类型分 Grouped by Type of Enterprises                                               
          国有经济           State-owned Enterprises 34313 72078 258545 890546 894700 1006245 1586057 1884624
          集体经济           Collective-owned Enterprises 4583 8880 5720 52893 62895 63877 142849 257226
          其他经济           Others     168186 319584 582122 778711 1249841 2213421
       2.按管理渠道分     Grouped by Management                                               
          基本建设           Capital Construction 19100 34204 138889 470442 600956 705054 1231473 1930278
          更新改造           Innovation 15213 30335 90715 250495 263640 299013 439031 583460
          其他投资           Others 4583 10934 31556 68299 108564 142533 193434 348840
          房地产开发         Real Estate Development   5485 171291 473787 566557 702233 1114809 1492693
二、新增固定资产         Newly Increased Fixed Assets 27872 69434 273324 953173 1159980 1295389 1812099 1962795
三、房屋竣工面积 Floor Space of the 986197 950215 2025223 5094751 5359752 5374374 6318902 6062317
        (平方米)    Building Completed(sq.m)                
          #                Residential Buildings 451128 501234 1433005 3735111 3960060 3314467 3878178 3887867